"I stayed [on the summit] for about an hour.... It is very cold, naturally, it takes your strength.... Ny position was that i would not be good if I stood around freezing, waiting.... If you are immobile at that altitude you lose strength in the cold, and then you are unable to do anything."

Into thin air
Jon Krakauer

Monday, May 16, 1994

works cited

"1980 - 1989." 20th Century History. 17 May 2010 http://history1900s.about.com/od/1980s/qtmteverest.htm.

"Junko Tabei at AllExperts." Expert Archive Questions. 17 May 2010 http://en.allexperts.com/e/j/ju/junko_tabei.htm.

Krakauer, Jon. Into thin air: a personal account of the Mount Everest disaster. New York: Villard, 1997.

"Mount Everest Quotes." Mt Everest Info Guide for Expeditions and Travel. 17 May 2010 http://www.mnteverest.net/quote.html.

Ullman, James Ramsey. Americans on Everest; the official account of the ascent led by Norman G. Dyhrenfurth. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1964.

Robert Geisenhoff, interveiw; 5/16/10